Central Committee
What Is The Central Committee?
Central Committee members fill many important roles in the Democratic Party structure. Some of the duties include developing the mission, constitution, and bylaws of the Party. Members also elect the County Chair, lead, and work on various committees to serve our community and support Democratic Party members within Cedar County. We represent voters in our precincts and help recruit others to join the Democrats of Cedar County, Iowa! And, of course, committee members play many important roles in County, State, and National elections, including the Iowa Caucus.
The Central Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. The meeting location is currently our headquarters at 514 Cedar St in Tipton..
When Does The Central Committee Meet?
Does The Central Committee Need My Help?
ABSOLUTELY! We need two Central Committee Members for each of the 12 precincts in Cedar County. If you are interested in serving and furthering the mission of the Cedar County Democratic Party, please contact us at cedar16dems@hotmail.com We also need many volunteers to march in parades, coordinate fundraisers, work at our county fair booth, help with roadside cleanup and more. Being involved at the local level is one of the most effective ways to use your voice and have it heard.
Central Committee Members
Chair: Larry Hodgden 319-560-7174
V-chair: J Jellyson
Secretary: Robin Jindrich-Cecil
Treasurer: Douglas Klein
Center/Cass/Ia/Roch Richard Paul
Dayton/Fairfield Dave Shinker
Linda Eiler-Boots
Farmington/Sugar Cr John Klopp
Fremont/Red Oak ——————— ————————-
Gower Wes Clemens
Robin Jindrich
Inland Steve Toher
Linn/Pioneer Jack Werling
Massillon/Springfield Mike Rowold
Hannah Brockmeyer
Tipton I
Tipton II David Lorenzen
Tipton III Deb VanderGaast
Sharon Hodgden
West Branch Jim Glasson
Salli Peck