Terms of service.
Name and Affiliation
This organization shall be known as the Cedar County (Iowa) Democratic Party. It is affiliated with, and subordinate to, the Iowa Democratic Party.
The Cedar County Democratic Party exists: to advance the interest of the Democratic Party in the county, to perpetuate the principles of democratic government, to uphold social justice, civil liberties and civic responsibility; to elect Democrats to office.
Section 1: Full Membership
All persons at least eighteen years of age as of the date of the next general election, who are residents of Cedar County, Iowa, who support the principles of the Democratic Party, and who are registered to vote as Democrats in Cedar County, shall be eligible to participate in all unrestricted activities of the Cedar County Democratic Party.
Section 2: Youth Membership
All persons under the age of eighteen who are ineligible to vote in the next general election, who are residents of Cedar County, Iowa, and who uphold the principles of the Democratic Party shall be eligible to participate in the activities of the Cedar County Democratic Party except for voting and holding of elective office within the party.
Membership Meetings
Section 1: Precinct Caucuses
Party members shall meet in precinct caucuses during even numbered years at a place designated by the Cedar County Democratic Party Central Committee, and at a day and time specified by the Iowa Democratic Party.
Party members attending the precinct caucuses shall elect a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and a Secretary. These persons shall serve in office until the succeeding precinct caucuses unless replaced for cause by the Cedar County Democratic Party Central Committee.
Party members attending the precinct caucuses shall conduct business specified by an agenda established by the Iowa Democratic Party.
Party members attending the precinct caucuses shall elect delegates and alternates to the Cedar County Democratic Convention according to the rules of the Iowa Democratic Party. They shall also elect members to various county convention committees established by the Cedar County Democratic Central Committee.
Section 2: County Convention
The Cedar County Democratic Party Convention will convene in even- numbered years following the precinct caucuses at a day and time established by the Iowa Democratic Party and at a place designated by the Cedar County Democratic Central Committee.
The Cedar County Democratic Party Chairperson, or a designee, shall call the County Convention to order, and shall conduct an election of a permanent Chairperson who shall preside over the County Convention until adjournment.
Delegates to the County Convention shall enact a Cedar County Democratic Party platform; they will elect delegates to the district and state party convention meetings according to the rules established by the Iowa Democratic Party; they will elect members of various district convention committees; they will conduct other business deemed to be in the interest of the Cedar County Democratic Party.
Section 3: Special Conventions
The Cedar County Democratic Central Committee when empowered by the Iowa Democratic Party shall call conventions of the Cedar County Democrats. The Central Committee must give adequate notice of the impending special convention through both print and electronic media.
Cedar County Central Committee
Section 1: Membership
The Cedar County Democratic Central Committee shall be composed of two elected Precinct Committeepersons.
Ex officio non-voting members of the Central Committee shall be:
1. The executive officers of affiliated organizations.
2. All elected officers of the County Democratic Party.
3. All publicly elected Democratic officials from Cedar County.
4. All Standing Committee Chairpersons.
5. Any Democratic State or District Committee member from Cedar County.
Section 2: Duties
The Cedar County Democratic Central Committee shall take all necessary actions to perpetuate an effective Democratic Party between county conventions. The Committee is charged with the responsibility to promote the principles of democratic government, social justice, civil liberties, civic responsibility in the county, and to elect Democrats to public office.
Section 3: Meetings
The Cedar County Democratic Central Committee shall meet regularly at a scheduled date, time, and place identified by the Central Committee each month unless the Committee chooses to suspend or shift the meeting date by a two-thirds affirmative vote of members voting “aye” or “nay” at a regularly scheduled meeting. In case of emergency, the Chairperson at his/her discretion may cancel and reschedule the Central Committee meeting.
Section 4: Quorum
A quorum of twenty percent (20%) of members (excluding vacancies) shall be necessary to conduct business at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Cedar County Democratic Central Committee.
Section 5: Vacancies
In the event that a vacancy occurs on the Cedar County Democratic Central Committee, the Committee shall elect an individual from the constituency of the position to serve for the remainder of the term of office on the Central Committee. The Central Committee may declare a position vacant by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members voting “aye” and “nay”.
County Party Officers
Section 1: Officers
The Officers of the Cedar County Democratic Party shall be: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2: Election and Term of Office
The Officers of the Cedar County Democratic Party shall be elected at the first meeting of the Central Committee following the off-year caucus. They shall assume office upon election and serve a two year-term between Central Committee organizational meetings, or until their successors have been chosen. Nominations for office may be from the floor from those attending the meeting or Cedar County Democrats not present if the nominator has a letter from the nominee indicating willingness to accept the nomination and attend and participate in meetings. Election shall be by secret ballot. The secretary or a neutral person shall be designated as teller.
Section 3: Duties of Officers
Section 3.1: Duties of Chairperson. The Cedar County Democratic Chairperson shall be the principal spokesperson for the Democrats of Cedar County. This person shall preside over all Conventions of the County Democratic Party, shall preside over meetings of the Central Committee, appoint the Chairperson and members of standing committees with the approval of the Central Committee, shall appoint members of those special committees deemed necessary for the effective development of the County Party, shall engage or discharge personnel compensated by the Central Committee, shall present to the Central Committee for approval any matter deemed necessary for the effective operation of the County Party, and shall perform other duties designated by the Central Committee.
Section 3.2: Duties of Vice-Chairperson. The Cedar County Democratic Vice-Chairperson shall assume the duties of the Chairperson upon the temporary absence of the Chairperson. This person shall assume all duties of the Chairperson, in the event the Chairperson is unwilling or unable to serve, until another Chairperson can be elected; shall maintain and expand an up-to-date file of volunteers, shall coordinate the activities of affiliated organizations with those of the Central Committee, and shall perform other duties designated by the Chairperson.
Section 3.3: Duties of Secretary. The Cedar County Democratic Secretary shall record and publish the minutes of all conventions and all meetings of the Central Committee. This person shall maintain files of correspondence between the Cedar County Party, its Central Committee, and other organizations and individuals; shall keep files of the reports of party officers as well as those of standing and special committees, shall prepare and maintain a membership roster of Central Committee members including addresses and telephone numbers, and shall perform other duties designated by the Chairperson.
Section 3.4: Duties of Treasurer. The Cedar County Democratic Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the County Party and may be under bond in the amount determined by the Central Committee. This person shall determine where the County Party funds shall be deposited, shall make receipts and disbursements of funds according to Central Committee policy, shall draw upon the treasury to pay bills due within thirty days after receiving authorization for payment, shall make a report at each Central Committee meeting relative to the status of the County Party treasury, shall perform other duties designated by the Chairperson and all duties required by state law.
The Cedar County Democratic Party Central Committee shall establish standing and special committees as required for the effective operation of the county party. The standing committees may include: permanent organization committee, press and public relations committee, candidate recruitment and review committee, special events committee, financial committee, research committee, appointments committee, issues committee, etc.
Amendments to Bylaws
The Bylaws of the Cedar County Democratic Party may be amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of members at three consecutive meetings of the Central Committee. The Bylaws of the Cedar County Democratic Party may also be amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of delegates voting “aye” or “nay” at a regular Cedar County Convention.
Parliamentary Authority
The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Cedar County Democratic Party in all parliamentary situations that are not provided for in federal or state law, the rules of the national Democratic Party, the rules of the Iowa Democratic Party, and the Bylaws or adopted rules of the Cedar County Democratic Party. Amended June 11, 2000, third reading.